CAPRISA Case Study

02.12.19 03:12 PM Comment(s) By Jordan

The Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) is a designated UNAIDS Collaborating Centre for HIV Prevention Research.


Location: Kwa-Zulu Natal
Industry: Medical Research

The Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) is a designated UNAIDS Collaborating Centre for HIV Prevention Research. The main goal of CAPRISA is to undertake globally relevant and locally responsive research that contributes to understanding HIV pathogenesis, prevention and epidemiology as well as the links between tuberculosis and AIDS care. CAPRISA provides a unique opportunity to network with global leaders in the field of HIV and TB to remain abreast of the latest scientific and research trends.

What problem is the customer facing?

CAPRISA wanted to leverage the offerings of Office 365 and get rid of on premise servers to reduce costs, maintenance, support and management.

What have they done to resolve the issue ?

They have virtualised all servers and migrated email to Exchange Online. SharePoint on-premises and File shares all still causing a strain on IT resources and budget.

What other products/services where they currently using?

Entire Microsoft stack on premises and Office 365 hybrid solution.

How did they find GTconsult?

“Originally when I was looking for a Microsoft SharePoint partner I turned to a combination of Bing search and word-of-mouth from industry insiders. GTconsult is very active at many conferences, roadshows and SharePoint Saturdays and more often than not, the first name that is mentioned when discussing SharePoint matters. Their social media and online platform is also very engaging and strengthens their brand considerably.”
– Eugene Van Lingen

Why did they go with GTconsult Services/Solution?

“After narrowing my search for local Microsoft SharePoint experts, and having met with GTconsult and been impressed with their CEO and various service offerings, it was an easy decision to bring them onboard as a trusted partner. GTconsult are also Microsoft Gold Partners in Content and Collaboration as well as Cloud Productivity so they are able to consult on many aspects of the full Microsoft stack.” – Eugene Van Lingen

Enabled By GTconsult

CAPRISA use many electronic forms in their organisation. Part of the migration was to restructure the forms directory and make forms easily identifiable, as well as attractive. Our designers came up with the refreshed Forms Portal that is interactive and great looking.

The total ROI for the solution was seen in less than 12 months for the migration of data, and rebuilding forms and workflows


30 Days from inception of the project

Team Used:

GTconsult A Team: Developers, UAT Team, Designers.

Issues Faced:

As CAPRISA wanted to use OOTB for all of the forms and workflows, extra thought was given to these items. This was an initial challenge as the 3rd Party Product used previously performed these functions. By using a combination of SharePoint Workflows & Forms, Flow, and custom form development, the A-Team was able to recreate the forms & workflows and provide the same functionality for CAPRISA.

Return On Investment (ROI).

With no use of 3rd Party Products, the annual license renewal fee is no longer needed, saving CAPRISA annually and allowing them to focus on value added managed services. Server management for the SharePoint Servers is no longer required.

Thoughts on GT

Thoughts on GT

“As an IT Professional responsible for driving my organization’s IT strategy, there is no better option than Microsoft’s Office 365. Microsoft have invested a huge amount of money and resources into building the world’s most all-encompassing cloud and productivity platform. Simply put, Microsoft Office 365 is the future and the future is here, now.”
– Eugene Van Der Lingen.

GTconsult Team Quotes

The team at CAPRISA are always a pleasure to work with and this latest project was no exception. CAPRISA allowed us to completely advise them on all aspects of the migration and redevelopment, which our A-Team relished. The outcome from both parties has been well received and most importantly, CAPRISA is now taking full advantage of the Office 365 stack

– Scott McCann | Technical Account Manager

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